Split AC Indoor Unit Service
What you need is a excellent chemical cleaning solution that's customized so as to lift the sticky dirt as well as grime from the surface of the fan coil fin and also the cylindrical fan blade.
For this method to work well the correct chemical cleaner is absolutely important, since the chemical cleaner needs to be strong enough to lift the sticky dirt from the cooling fins all the way into across the complete thickness of the coil. The dirt can be over an inch thick across its cross-section. Cleaning Split Air Conditioners isn't as daunting a task as most of the people perceive it to be.
90 percent of the FCU (fan coil unit) is waterproof, the one where cold air comes out of. Usually, only 10%, to the right of the unit contains all the electrical components and electric motor. This area is well protected against the rest of the blower since it's inherent that condensation will form along the inside of the coils throughout the whole length of the fan coil.
What you need:
- A safe and powerful chemical Detergent
- A Wash Bag
- A Gardening Compress Air Sprayer
- Maybe a screw driver if your AC is extremely clogged with dirt
Contrary to what the majority believe, it's perfectly safe to wash the FCU directly on the wall. No dismantling should be necessary if you've got the correct equipment to do this.
All you really need is some simple steps to clean your split AC:
- Before you begin you must remove all the front cover and filters. Then you need to wash the filters separately in the toilet or sink.
- Wear the Wash Bag around the AC fan coil unit.
- You also need to spray the chemical cleaner onto the coils and even on the fan rotor. Use a flash light if you have any sort of difficulty locating the fan blade. Just check out the passage where the air usually flows out. You need to ensure that you get the spray all around the rotor blade.
- You should wait and let the chemicals soak in for a little while. Then thoroughly rinse the fan coil and also the rotor blade with fresh and clean water, using the pressure sprayer jet so as to loosen all the dirt, until completely clean. Remove the wash bag and get rid of the waste water in the toilet bowl.
- Before removing the bag, you may want to turn on the AC, in order to allow the excess water on the rotor blade to be spanned off into the bag. Wipe dry and replace the filters and cover.
Since this can be really easy, you can clean your AC every 3 months and enjoy the clean, fresh, and cool air without paying the hefty service prices or spending huge amount of your time getting them serviced.
Generally, manufacturers recommend that you just clean the filters every few weeks, however the necessity for cleaning really depends on how often you utilize the AC. It's quite simple, the more you use it, the more often you must clean the filters. At the very least, you should aim to clean them at least a couple of times a year.
For example, if you mainly use the unit in summer, clean the filters in spring so it’s ready for the peak season, and again when the hot summer season is over. Wait for about 10 to 20 minutes for the cleaning solution to work. The indoor AC unit has air filters that requires regular cleaning. Generally, it’s a matter that is really simple, just pop open the plastic cover and simply removing the filter.
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