How To Select The Best RO Water Purifier
India’s water crisis is becoming more acute each year. Most big cities like Bangalore will run out of groundwater by few next years and clean drinkable water, a basic necessity will become scarcer in coming times. While the govt. has said it’s committed to supplying water to all house within the next five years, the quality of water supplied to homes has always been a major concern.
This even explains why several homes in urban India are now increasingly dependent on water purifiers using technology such as RO (Reserve Osmosis), UV (Ultraviolet filtration), UF (Ultrafiltration) or a combination of all 3. But choosing the best and most effective water purifier in India can actually be really confusing. One major reason for confusion can be; various brands available in the market and all brands keep boasting that they’re the best. So it’s important to understand how to select the correct water purifier that suits your water supply and make it safe and drinkable. Here’s what you need to keep in mind when choosing a water purifier for your home:
Water Quality:
The first thing to search is the source of your tap water and then get it tested for hardness, salinity, and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) level. According to the WHO guidelines for good drinking water, TDS principally includes bicarbonates, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides and sulfates, and tiny amounts of organic matter in water. TDS can actually originate from natural sources or even sewage, according to the World Health Organization. If you simply rely on borewell or tankers for waters, TDS levels tend to be much higher. TDS levels that are greater than 1000 mg litre make drinking-water increasingly unpalatable as well as really unhealthy. That is why identifying the source of your tap water in the first place is the very 1st step in choosing the best water purifier for your home.
Purification Technology::
Depending on the quality and source of your water, you’ll be able to really select a water purifier that’s customizable for you. RO purification technology actually works best for water that have higher TDS levels of over 500ppm. Furthermore, RO (Reverse Osmosis) technology filters heavy metals, particulates, minerals through selectively permeable membranes as well as provides purified water. If TDS is less than 200ppm, you’ll be able to select UV (Ultra-Violet) filtration technology which might remove impurities while retaining key minerals.
Water Storage Capacity::
This is also one of the significant factors that you need to ensure before selecting a water purifier. You should have a rough idea as to how much quantity of water you really need in order to meet the daily requirements of your family. If the capacity of the purifier caters to your requirement then that’s the best choice for you.
Design and build-up of the product::
In addition, you must also select a water purifier after considering a strong buildup that makes sure maximum durability. Moreover, it must be made up of engineering grade plastic. Most importantly, you ought to ensure that the plastic is food grade too. It is unwise to use any plastic container to store water because it may increase the toxicity of the water. Only if the purifier is made of food-grade plastic, then it’s safe to use. So that your water won’t get toxic Hence you need to take care of that.
Only select the brands which have appropriate validated certifications. You can put all your faith in the products who have an ISI, WQA or NSF certifications, because these certifications assure you about the authenticity of the brand.
Quality of Service and Maintenance after sale::
Water is purified through various filters that require maintenance at regular intervals. While buying a water purifier you ought to always consider the promptness of service and overall maintenance cost. This concludes some important factors that you need to keep in mind when selecting a water purifier. With an increasing amount of pollution, buying a water purifier is actually a necessity. You need to select the one that fulfils all your needs and ensure you always drink good water